
Schrader Family Association e.V.

How do I research the ancestry of my Schrader family?



Your name is Schrader, you have Schrader roots or you are otherwise connected with this name?
Are you interested in your own roots and looking for help in researching your Schrader ancestors?
The Schrader Family Association can help you!

What to start with - a few prerequisites

At the beginning, genealogical research is like looking for needles in a haystack. The Schrader clans in particular are no exception.

“My name is Karl Mustermann; my late mother was a née Schrader from Magdeburg. I am interested in my Schrader roots!” Can you help?

This is sometimes how one’s own family research begins.
It is clear that this is not an ideal way to start research.
You should have some reliable data before you start.
The rule is: the more, the better and as far back as possible.
A good place to start is with dates of birth, marriage and death back to the grandparents, or even better, back to the great-grandparents.

The more concrete information can be given with a request, the more likely it is to find a trace of the ancestors in space and time.

The small difference!

Are you a member of the family association?
The archivist will help and guide you as needed.

You are not a member?
The “Familienverband Schrader e.V.” of 1920 does not limit its help to its members!
Other genealogists can also contact the association and make “external enquiries“.

Genealogical research thrives on dialogue and sharing; this principle is lived in the association.

External enquiries to the Schrader Family Association

The archive of the Family Association is also available to non-members for family research purposes to a limited extent.
Enquiries should be addressed to the archivist of the Schrader Family Association. (archivar@familienverband-schrader.de).
The support of non-members is generally provided for an expense allowance.

The processing of external enquiries therefore takes place in two steps:

The search for references and sources in the association’s own finding aids is first carried out free of charge. A check is made to see whether the sources can be expected to yield any exploitable finds at all. The inquirer will receive an interim report on the results, together with an estimate of the effort required to find and evaluate the sites.
The Schrader Family Association charges an expense allowance for the evaluation and processing of finds, which depends on the time and scope of the finds to be evaluated. If the inquirer agrees to the payment of the fee, the further excavation and evaluation of the sites will be continued and a summarising final report will be prepared.
This report is then accompanied by the invoice for the reimbursement of expenses.
Correspondence with enquirers is always by e-mail.

At the request of the enquirer or in the case of particularly extensive results, the final report can also be sent by post.