Schrader Family Association e.V.


Communications of the Schrader Family Association e.V.

The publication of research results is the second main task of the family association.
For this purpose, research results were to be published and sent to members, libraries, archives and personalities in the form of the newsletters that were customary in the 1920s.
Already in 1921, shortly after the foundation, this task could be fulfilled for the first time with the newsletter no. 1.

After a short time it became clear to the founding board that newsletters alone would not be sufficient to make the results accessible to genealogists.

It was decided to compile 6 individual, continuous newsletters into one archive volume and to provide them with a table of contents and comprehensive indexes.
Since then, each of the 6 notebooks, together with the
– title page,
– table of contents,
– alphabetical place and
– surname registers
form a complete volume of the “Schrader Archive”.

Translated with (free version)

The archive volumes I-XI, which comprise the Mitteilungshefte from No. 1 to No. 62, are available with more than 3000 printed pages in the archives and at selected libraries, archives and associations.

The XII. Volume of the Schrader Archive was started in 2018 with issue no. 63.

List of the published "Mitteilungen":


Booklet 1 from 1921 (Historical)

Open PDF externally

Issue 35 from 1971 (Modern)

Open PDF externally

All these “communications” you can see in the archives mentioned or, about an expense allowance about our federation (only digitally) receive!

Please contact our chairman for this purpose: