Schrader Family Association e.V.




Researching the Schrader clans is one of the main tasks of the family association. To this end, information has been collected, ordered and filed in the archives for 100 years. The results of the research are regularly published in the “Mitteilungshefte” of the family association and also archived.

Through enquiries and contributions from members as well as through external enquiries from genealogists from all over the world, the information stock is constantly being supplemented and corrected. This also flows into the archive and may lead to new publications.

Row of shelves in the old archive room
Row of shelves in the new archive room

Research sources

An essential basis of the research is the primary and secondary sources such as church records or university registers, which have been sifted through and evaluated by the association members in churches, parishes, libraries for information with a direct or indirect Schrader connection since the founding of the family association. This information was used in the research of the clans and printed in the form of details in the bulletins.

Since its inception, 9,000 details have been collected in the first 20 years, ranging from single-line church book entries to texts of several pages. The outbreak of World War II also brought a break here: people had other, existential concerns. With the division of Germany, direct access to many churches and archives important for research was lost. The paper for publishing new bulletins was missing and contemporary history can be seen in the continuity of publishing new bulletins. The regular publication of details was suspended; in a great effort it was possible in 1999 to publish a separate volume with only the remaining collected details.


A treasure chest for genealogical research are the details that have been collected over many years and printed in individual notebooks.

I119210001 – 0500
I219220501 – 1000
I619241001 – 1500
II919261501 – 2000
III1319292001 – 2500
III1719323001 – 3500
IV1919343501 – 4000
IV2119364001 – 4500
IV2319384501 – 5000
V2519405500 – 5692
VI19995500 – 9000
Church register excerpt
Extract from "Details"
Extract from "Details"

Each of these volumes I – VI with details has a comprehensive index of places and names.

Interested genealogists can contact the library nearest to you, each of which has the complete collections of the Mitteilungshefte. In addition, enquiries can be made to the family association.

Archive of the Schrader Family Association

The archive is the heart chamber of the research and the family association. The current research activities and the exchange with members and interested genealogists are based on the archive holdings.

Photo: G. Schrader

History of the archive

In earlier decades, the archive was often located with the respective archivist.
With the increasing volume of archive material, this practice could no longer be maintained and the archive found its penultimate home in Eutin for many years in the house of the former archivist.
In 2009, after his death, a location was sought that offered the necessary infrastructural conditions and was centrally accessible.
Such a place was found in Jerichow Monastery in the Altmark region of Saxony-Anhalt.
A contract was signed with the Jerichow Monastery Foundation to permanently house the archive.
In 2009, the archive moved to its current location, probably for the last time.
The extensive history of the archive can be found here.


Inventory history

The development of the collection is inextricably linked to the research activities and the research priorities of the family association.
In an effort to collect everything connected with the Schrader name, literature about Schrader personalities was collected as well as various products made by Schrader personalities.

Knowledge about genealogy and heraldry was not yet available on the internet 100 years ago, so of course specialist literature was also collected.
General and regionally specific source material rounds off the basis.
The research of the Schrader clans, which are documented in clan files, rests on this foundation.

No closed provenance can be determined for the archive’s holdings, neither geographically nor, for example, according to estates.
However, the focus of the collection activity can be clearly determined to be the first 20 years since the founding of the family association, before the Second World War with its aftermath also permanently changed our research activity.

The archive material covers the years 1850-2000.

An outstanding life achievement distinguishes Karl Schrader, who was born in Wolfenbüttel on 4 April 1834 as the son of a doctor. From 1853 to 1856 he studied law and political science at the universities of Berlin and Göttingen. His later work in Berlin was so extensive and lasting that only a multitude of descriptions can provide information about his fields of activity.

Paul Schrader

Paul Schrader (1874 – 1950) played a major role in making the name Schrader a seal of quality among tea drinkers.

Stock 1
Stock 2

Stock overview

The Schrader Archive’s holdings comprise approx. 30 metres of shelving and 5,000 units of distortion.

It is divided into 11 partial holdings:

ABücher, Artefakte von Schrader-Autoren
BBücher, Artefakte über Schrader-Personen, Orte und -Objekte
FSammlungen zu Fremdsippen mit Schrader-Bezug
GGenealogische Literatur, allgemein
HLiteratur zur Heraldik, allgemein
PPeriodika mit Bezug zur Genealogie
QQuellenmaterial, allgemein
RQuellenmaterial mit Regionalbezug
SSippenordner, Sippenakten
VVeröffentlichungen des Familienverbandes Schrader

A finding aid is currently being compiled.
It is not possible to borrow documents as the archive is not permanently staffed.
Our archivist will be happy to provide you with information.

Libraries /Archives

I. Archive mit vollständigem Bestand

The ten archives listed below have complete sets of the “Mitteilungen” of the Schrader Family Association, including registers, since 1921:

HEROLD, Verein für Heraldik, Genealogie und verwandte Wissenschaften,
Archivstraße 12-14, 14195 Berlin,
Tel.: 030-83901-100,

DIE MAUS, Gesellschaft für Familienforschung e.V. (Staatsarchiv Bremen)
Am Staatsarchiv 1, 28203 Bremen,

Hessisches Staatsarchiv Darmstadt,
Karolinenplatz 3, 64289 Darmstadt,
Tel.: 06151-165-900, Fax:-901,

Genealogisch-heraldische Arbeitsgemeinschaft ROLAND zu Dortmund e.V.
Postfach 103341, 44033 Dortmund,
Tel.: 0176-4382-1583 (Frau Sigges),

Martin-Luther-Universität Halle-Wittenberg
Universitäts- und Landesbibliothek Sachsen-Anhalt Zeitschriftenstelle
August-Bebel-Str. 13, D-06098 Halle/S.
Tel.: 0345/5522172
Bettina Günther-Kunert

Berliner Platz 5, 44623 Herne,
Tel.: 02323-162805,

Rheinische Landesbibliothek Koblenz
Bahnhofplatz 14, 56068 Koblenz,
Tel.: 0261-91500400,

Stadtarchiv Magdeburg
Fachdienstleiter PD Dr. Christoph Volkmar
Mittagstr.16, 39124 Magdeburg,
Tel.: 0391-540-2141,

Stadtarchiv München
Winzererstr.68, 80797 München,
Tel.: 089-23330801,

Landesarchiv NRW, Abteilung Westfalen
Bohlweg 2, 48147 Münster,
Tel.: 0251-4885-0,

II. archives with incomplete holdings

The twelve archives listed below have incomplete sets of the “Mitteilungen” of the Schrader Family Association from the years since 1921:

The numbers in brackets indicate the issue number and year.

Staatsbibliothek zu Berlin
Unter den Linden 8, 10117 Berlin,
Tel.: 030-266-0 oder 030-266-433888 (Auskunft)
(7.1925-18.1933; 23.1938-24.1938)

Humboldt Universitätsbibliothek
Unter den Linden 6, 10099 Berlin,
Tel.: 030-2093-99370,
(25.1940 – 32.1956)

Staatsbibliothek Braunschweig
Schlossplatz 2, 38100 Braunschweig,
Tel.: 0531-470 68 35,
(1.1921/24 – 32.1956)

Universitäts- und Landesbibliothek Düsseldorf
Heinrich-Heine-Universität Düsseldorf
Universitätsstr.1, 40225 Düsseldorf,
Tel.: 0211-81-12900
(1.1921 – 30.1948/50)

Niedersächsische Staats- und Universitätsbibliothek Göttingen
Platz der Göttinger Sieben 1, 37073 Göttingen,
Tel.: 0551-395212,
(1.1921 – 24.1938)

Staats- und Universitätsbibliothek Hamburg
Von-Melle-Park 3, 20146 Hamburg,
Tel.: 040-428382233,
(1.1921 – 24.1938; 31.1953 – 36.1975)

Universitätsbibliothek Heidelberg
Plöck 107-109, 69047 Heidelberg  –  (Postfach 105749),
Tel.: 06221-542380,
(1.1921 – 31.1956)

Universitätsbibliothek Kiel
Leibnizstr.9, 24118 Kiel,
Tel.: 0431 8804701,
(1/6.1921/24(1924) – 31/36.1953/75(1976))

Universitäts- und Stadtbibliothek Köln
Universitätsstr.33, 50931 Köln,
Tel.: 0221-4702374,
(1.1921 – 32.1956)

Universitätsbibliothek Leipzig
Beethovenstr.6, 04107 Leipzig,
Tel.: 0341-9730577
(1.1921 – 32.1956)

Deutsche Nationalbibliothek
Deutscher Platz 1, 04103 Leipzig,
Tel.: 0341-2271-0

Wissenschaftliche Stadtbibliothek
Stadtverwaltung Mainz
Rheinallee 3 B, 55116 Mainz,
Tel.: 06131-12 26 51 und 06131-12 26 52,
(1.1921 – 36.1975)

III The German National Library Frankfurt/Main

The German National Library in Frankfurt/Main, to which the Schrader Family Association has a duty of surrender in accordance with the Law on the German National Library (DNGB) of 22.6.2006, §14 and §15, has an old stock of issues from 1953 to 1975 as well as all issues from volume XI onwards (issue 57/2012).

Deutsche Nationalbibliothek Frankfurt/M.
Adickesallee 1, 60322 Frankfurt/M.,
Tel.: 069-1525-0
(31.1953 – 36.1975; 57.2012 – 62.2017; 63.2018; 64.2019)